Verš 11:17

Zdaž ten, jenž se opírá o jasný důkaz od Pána svého, zatímco svědek od Něho vyslaný jej sděluje, a před ním bylo Písmo Mojžíšovo jako vedení a milosrdenství . . . ti věří v něj! Však kdokoliv ze spojenců v něj nevěří, ten s ohněm bude mít schůzku. Nebuď tedy o něm na pochybách, neboť to pravda je od Pána tvého, však většina lidí nevěří.

Tafsir al-Jalalayn

Is he who relies on a clear proof, a clear statement, from his Lord, meaning the Prophet (s), or the believers; it [the proof] being the Qur’ān, [a clear proof] which is followed by a witness, to it of its veracity [as being], from Him, that is, from God; he [the witness] being Gabriel, and before it, [before] the Qur’ān, was the Book of Moses, the Torah, also a witness to it, as an example and a mercy? (imāman wa-rahmatan is a circumstantial qualifier) [is such a person] like one who is not so? No! Those, that is, the ones who rely on a clear proof, they believe in it, that is, in the Qur’ān, and so for them will be Paradise; but he who disbelieves in it of the partisans, [namely] all the disbelievers, the Fire shall be his appointed place. So do not be in doubt, in uncertainty, concerning it, concerning the Qur’ān. Truly it is the Truth from your Lord, but most of mankind, that is, the people of Mecca, do not believe.