Verš 2:114

Kdo je nespravedlivější než ten, jenž zabraňuje, aby se v modlitebnách Božích vzývalo jméno Jeho, a snaží se o jejich zničení? Patřilo by se, aby do nich vstupovali naplněni bázní; hanba jim bude patřit na tomto světě a v životě budoucím je trest strašný očekává.

Tafsir al-Jalalayn

And who does greater evil — that is, none does more evil — than he who bars God’s places of worship, so that His Name be not invoked in them, in prayer and praise, and strives to ruin them?, through destruction and impeding people from them: this was revealed to inform of the Byzantines’ destruction of the Holy House [sc. Jerusalem], or [it was revealed] when the idolaters barred the Prophet (s) from entering Mecca in the year of the battle of Hudaybiyya; such men might never enter them, save in fear (illā khā’ifīna is a predicate, also functioning as a command, that is to say, ‘Frighten them by threats of waging war against them, so that not one of them shall enter it feeling secure’); for them in this world is degradation, debasement through being killed, taken captive and forced to pay the jizya; and in the Hereafter a mighty chastisement, namely, the Fire.