Verš 2:265

Avšak ti, kdož rozdávají ze jmění svého usilujíce získat zalíbení Boží a pro upevnění duší svých, ti podobají se zahradě na kopci: když přijde liják, přinese plody své dvakrát, když liják nepřijde, je zde alespoň rosa. . . A Bůh věru jasně vidí vše, co děláte.

Tafsir al-Jalalayn

But the likeness, of the expenditure, of those who expend their wealth, seeking God’s good pleasure, and to confirm themselves, that is, to realise the reward thereof, in contrast to the hypocrites who do not hope for it, since they do not believe in it, is as the likeness of a garden, an orchard, upon a hill, (read rabwa or rubwa) a high ground; a torrent smites it and it yields, gives forth, its produce (read ukulahā or uklahā), its fruits, twofold, twice the fruits of another [garden]; if no torrent smites it, then dew, (tall, a light drizzle) which falls on it and suffices it on account of its altitude. In other words, it grows and bears fruit, regardless of how much rain falls; likewise are the expenditures of those mentioned: they will increase with God, regardless of how much they were; and God sees what you do, and He will requite you for it.