Verš 22:5

Lidé, jste-li na pochybách ohledně zmrtvýchvstání, vzpomeňte si, že stvořili jsme vás nejdřív z prachu, pak z kapky semene, pak z kapky přilnavé, pak z kousku masa ztvárněného či beztvarého – abychom vám to objasnili. A umisťujeme do lůna to, co chceme, až do lhůty stanovené, potom vás z něho vyvedeme jako kojence, až posléze dosáhnete dospělosti své. A některý z vás je povolán k Pánu dříve a některý z vás je vržen do věku sešlosti, takže neví nic z toho, co dříve již věděl. A vidíš zemi neplodnou, však když na ni sešleme vodu, pohne se a vzedme a dá vyrůst různým druhům rostlin nádherných.

Tafsir al-Jalalayn

O mankind, in other words, [O] people of Mecca, if you are in doubt about the Resurrection, then lo! [consider that] We have created you, that is, [We have created] your origin — Adam — from dust then, We created his progeny, from a drop, a sperm-drop, then from a clot, congealed blood, then from a [little] lump of flesh (mudgha), a piece of flesh, the size of what one would [be able to] chew (mā yumdagh), partly formed, shaped, complete in form, and partly unformed, that is, uncomplete in form, that We may make clear to you, the perfect nature of Our power, that you might [then] infer from this initial act of creation, the [reality of its future] restoration. And We establish (nuqirru, marks a new [grammatically independent] sentence) in the wombs whatever We will for a specified time, that is, until the time for it to come out, then We bring you forth, from the bellies of your mothers, as infants, and then, We extend your life, that you may come of age (ashuddakum), that is to say, [your] prime and strength, which is [that age] between thirty and forty years. And there are some of you who are taken away, by death, before coming of age, and there are some of you who are relegated to the most abject time of life, its most despicable [state] of decrepitude and senility, so that after [having had] some knowledge, he no longer knows anything — ‘Ikrima said, ‘Whoever recites the Qur’ān, such a state will not befall him’. And you see the earth torpid, barren, yet when We send down water upon it, it stirs, it moves, and swells, it rises and grows, and grows [plants of] (anbatat min, min is extra) every delightful, fair, kind, species.