Verš 4:12

Vám náleží polovina z toho , co zůstavily manželky vaše, jestliže neměly mužského potomka. A jestliže měly mužského potomka, patří vám z toho, co zůstavily, jedna čtvrtina poté, když byly vyplaceny odkazy a uhrazeny dluhy jejich. A manželkám patří jedna čtvrtina toho, co zůstavíte, jestliže nemáte mužského potomka. A jestliže máte mužského potomka, pak patří manželkám jedna osmina toho, co jste zůstavili po vyplacení odkazů a po uhrazení dluhů. Jestliže muž nebo žena zanechají dědictví po boční linii a mají bratra nebo sestru, pak každému z obou patří jedna šestina. A je-li jich více, pak jsou podílníky na jedné třetině po vyplacení odkazů a po uhrazení dluhů aniž se tím někomu uškodí. A toto je ustanovení od Boha a Bůh je vševědoucí, blahovolný.

Tafsir al-Jalalayn

And for you a half of what your wives leave, if they have no children, from you or from another; but if they have children, then for you a fourth of what they leave, after any bequest they may bequeath, or any debt: the consensus is that the grandchild in this case is like the child. And for them, the wives, whether one or more, a fourth of what you leave, if you have no children; but if you have children, from them or from others, then for them an eighth of what you leave, after any bequest you may bequeath, or any debt; again the consensus is that the grandchild is as the child. If it be a man leaving an inheritance (yūrathu, ‘being inherited from’, is an adjectival qualification, the predicate of which is [the following kalālatan, ‘without direct heir’]) and not having a direct heir, that is, [having] neither a parent nor child, or it be a woman, leaving an inheritance and having no direct heir, but it be that such, a man leaving an inheritance with no direct heir, has a brother or a sister, from the same mother, as read by Ibn Mas‘ūd and others, then to each of the two a sixth, of what he leaves; but if they, the siblings from the same mother, be more than that, that is, [more] than one, then they share a third, the male and female equally, after any bequest to be bequeathed or any debt without prejudice (ghayra mudārrin, is a circumstantial qualifier referring to the person governing [the verb] yūsā, ‘to be bequeathed’) in other words, without causing any prejudice to the inheritors by bequeathing more than the third); a charge (wasiyyatan, a verbal noun reaffirming [the import of] yūsīkum, ‘He charges you’ [of the beginning of the previous verse]) from God. God is Knowing, of the obligations which He has ordained for His creatures, Forbearing, in deferring the punishment of those that disobey Him. The Sunna specifies that the individuals mentioned may receive the relevant inheritance provided that they are not barred from it on account of their having committed murder, or [their belonging to] a different religion or being slaves.