Verš 4:83

A když k nim dojde nějaká zpráva týkající se bezpečnosti či strach vzbuzující, tu ji hned rozhlásí. Kdyby se však s ní obrátili na posla anebo na ty, kdož mezi nimi mají autoritu, dozvěděli by se ji tak ti, kteří se mezi nimi snaží proniknout k pravdivosti její. A kdyby nebylo dobrodiní a milosrdenství Božího vůči vám, věru byste byli všichni následovali satana, kromě několika málo.

Tafsir al-Jalalayn

And when there comes to them an issue, [news] concerning the raiding parties sent by the Prophet (s) and what has happened to them, be it of security, through victory, or of fear, through defeat, they broadcast it, they make it widely-known: this was revealed regarding a group from among the hypocrites, or from among the feeble believers, who used to do this, and so the hearts of the believers would lose courage and the Prophet (s) would become distressed. If they had referred it, the news, to the Messenger and to those in authority among them, that is, the judicious elders among the Companions, in other words, if they had kept quiet about it until they were fully informed; those among them who are able to think it out, [those who] follow it up and seek knowledge of it, the ones who broadcast it, would have known it, and whether it is a matter that ought be broadcast or not, from them, from the Prophet (s) and those of authority. And but for the bounty of God to you, through Islam, and His mercy, to you through the Qur’ān, you would surely have followed Satan, in the abominations to which he commands you, except a few [of you].