Verš 46:12

A již před ním byla Kniha Mojžíšova vůdcem i milosrdenstvím a toto Písmo potvrzuje pravdivost její v jazyce arabském, aby byli varováni nespravedliví a aby bylo zvěstí radostnou pro ty, kdož dobro konají.

Tafsir al-Jalalayn

Yet before it, that is, [before] the Qur’ān, [there was] the Book of Moses, that is, the Torah, as a guidepost and a mercy, for those who believed in it (imāman wa-rahmatan are two circumstantial qualifiers) and this, Qur’ān, is a Book that confirms, scriptures before it, in the Arabic tongue (lisānan ‘arabiyyan is a circumstantial qualifier referring to the subject of musaddiqun, ‘that confirms’) to warn those who do wrong, the idolaters of Mecca, and, it is, good tidings for the virtuous, the believers.