Verš 65:11

posla, který vám přednáší zřetelná znamení Boží, aby vyvedl ty, kdož uvěřili a zbožné skutky konali, z temnot k světlu. Kdo v Boha věří a zbožné skutky koná, toho Bůh uvede do zahrad, pod nimiž tekou řeky, a tam bude nesmrtelný navěky. A pro takového Bůh připravil obživu překrásnou.

Tafsir al-Jalalayn

a messenger, that is, Muhammad (s) (rasūlan is in the accusative because of an implied verb, that is to say, wa-arsala, ‘and He sent you [a messenger]’) reciting to you the clear signs of God (read mubayyanāt or mubayyināt, as [explained] above) that He may bring forth those who believe and perform righteous deeds, after the arrival of the remembrance and the Messenger, from darkness, the disbelief to which they adhered, to light, the faith that was established in them after [a life of] disbelief. And those who believe in God and act righteously, He will admit them (a variant reading has the first person plural [nudkhilhu, ‘We will admit them’]) into gardens underneath which rivers flow, wherein they will abide forever. God has verily made a good provision for him, namely, the provision of Paradise, the bliss of which never ends.