Verš 9:31

A vzali si učence své a mnichy své za pány vedle Boha a stejně tak i Mesiáše, syna Mariina, ačkoliv jim bylo přikázáno uctívat toliko Boha jediného. A není božstva kromě Něho, jenž slávou Svou povznesen je nad ty, kdož jsou k Němu přidružováni!

Tafsir al-Jalalayn

They have taken their rabbis, the scholars among the Jews, and their monks, the devout among the Christians, as lords beside God — following them in making lawful what God has made unlawful and making unlawful what He has made lawful — and the Messiah, son of Mary, when they were not commanded, in the Torah and the Gospel, except to worship One God: there is no god except Him; glory be to Him, as an affirmation of His transcendence [high], above what they associate [with Him].